Diid disegno industriale

Riferimento: 9791254773543

Editore: Bologna University Press
In commercio dal: 2024
Formato: Libro in brossura
EAN: 9791254773543
27,00 €
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In the nexus of design and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the convergence of ethical, political, and creative facets demands a decentralized approach guided by data justice and posthumanism. As AI's reach expands into societal and environmental spheres, the imperative is not neutral but deeply entangled with socio-political contexts and power structures. The shift from tech-centricity to collective needs dovetails with the urgency for non-anthropocentric design, particularly with autonomous agents. This global perspective challenges for good narratives and raises questions about digital colonialism, while artistic experiments redefine the boundaries of creativity and aesthetics, compelling a holistic reevaluation of design's role in AI's multifaceted impact. (Flaviano Celaschi)